domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

ENGLISH 5th Primary - LAST WEEK -

Recomendaciones para esta última semana y
 para disfrutar aprendiendo este verano.

Se acerca el final de este curso tan difícil y extraño pero con muchas ganas de volver a vernos en Septiembre en el cole...

Os recomiendo una serie de enlaces para poder aprender jugando esta semana y este verano. También podéis hacer el libro Skills trainer (que viene de regalo con el activity book para repasar en verano). 

  • Tiger tracks board game
A game to review what you learned (Act book page 74).

  • Storyline Online
A good web to listen great storytellings, stories and books. You can watch videos to watch and listen to the stories.

  • British Council Learn English Kids
Lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children to have fun and learn English too.

  • Agenda Web
A website with hundreds of free online exercises to learn English.

  • Mundo primaria
An interesting web with lots of variety of activities to review reading, grammar, spelling and vocabulary skills. Choose your grade to practice.

  • Arts and crafts activities.
Crafts and thousand of things more. It's a marvelous Arts & Crafts for you.

  • Arts for Kids Hubs
If you like drawing or painting, this is your web. It's very famous in USA. You can watch a lot of youtube videos. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy! See you soon!


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