domingo, 7 de junio de 2020

ENGLISH 5th PRIMARY from 8th to 12th June

WEEK FROM 8th to 12th June

  • Check your homework:
(Corrige las tareas de la semana pasada)

Act book page 58: Activity 14
2. Are there any plums? No, there aren't.
3. Is there a bottle of water? Yes, there is.
4. Are there any biscuits? Yes, there are.
5. Is there a pineapple? Yes, there is.
6. Are there any sandwiches? Yes, there are.

Act book page 58: Activity 15
2 There are soe chairs in my classroom.
3 There's a laptop in my classroom.
4. There is/isn't a ball in my classroom.
5. There are some board games in my classroom./ There aren't any board games in my classroom.

 Pupil's book page 60: Activity 20 Culture quiz.
1. Three.
2. 50 million.
3. Eleven.
4. The rainbow nation.
5. Table mountain.
6. Plants and flowers.

Activity book page 59: Activity 16.
2. In many towns and villages.
3. You can learn about South African food.
4. They're made from recycled materials.
5. There are also food stalls.
6. Jam and sauces.

Activity book page 59: Activity 17(listening).
Steve: sculptures. 
Rosa: musical instruments.
Sita: African masks.
Duncan: pots and baskets.

Activity book page 59: Activity 18 
(free answers)


*Si alguien no tiene el activity book en casa, aquí os dejo el tema 6 para descargar

      • Activity 10. REVIEW
      • Activity 11. EXAM

    *Puedes pinchar en la imagen de Snappet para que te lleve a la plataforma


  • Activity book page 60: Activity 19, 20, 21 & 22.


    • Activity book page 87.

            Podéis elegir un sólo día de la semana y hacer un proyecto como el de Duncan (en la foto de abajo). Podéis añadir fotos, dibujos, etc. Se puede presentar a mano o a ordenador y adjuntar foto o documento.

          RECOMMENDED SONG FOR THIS WEEK: "SHALLOW" bu Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper. (A star is born Soundtrack)
          • Listen and sing.  Enjoy it!

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